Monday, February 1, 2010

Visual Music

Here are a few video's I found on Youtube after reading the Visual Music Article.
Hans Richter- Rhytmus 21

Viking Eggeling - Symphonie Diagonale

Marcel Duchamp - Anemic Cinema

Oskar Fischinger, in "Fantasia", Walt Disney -1940


  1. Wonderful classics all. Though Rhythmus 21 or Diagonale arent color, but yeah, the underpinnings of composed motion and film as modern art. Am glad you posted the Fischinger--we studied him in Elective Affinites, and his very troubled but influential relationship to Disney. F. was dedicated to the idea of pure abstraction and wasn't down withe the little animals, or even the little paint drops made to act like animals (see: anthropomorphism) . As soon as we enter into representational we leave abstraction, or as the original founders of the Whitney Museum called it as they prepared to build a temple to this kind of artwork "Non-objective Art"

  2. I do love that "Anemic Cinema" by Marcel Duchamp.
